Yes, Bing, We Are Waiting…

I am super excited. (Understatement.) Haven’t been this excited about search since I joined the Search Marketing Team for QuickBooks in 2008. Back then, the prospects were exhilarating. An advertising channel that met customers precisely at their point of need, that actually worked to deliver the products and services they were actively seeking? Mind-blowing. It was real-time. It was analytical. It was creative. A marketer’s dream. I was hooked.

Here we are, 15 years later. This past Tuesday, Microsoft announced that its Bing search engine will incorporate artificial intelligence. (How I wish I was at that press conference to see the demo.) And of course, I have signed up. I’m on the waiting list. Number 1,284,655 I think. The exhilaration is back. Search is changing, evolving, as it must. And the potential is tremendous. Hold on, enjoy the ride. More, and more, on this, soon…


AI and SEM - True Love?


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